
24 weeks pregnant with baby #2

May 14, 2020

Now that I have this thing going, my goal here is to give weekly updates of this pregnancy. With my first, I kept a written diary of notes from day one. I just found it recently during spring cleaning, and was so happy that I did that because I had forgotten pretty much everything. It was just so sweet to read back through my first time, when I didn’t know what I was expecting. Reading through it was a trip because there was so many similarities with this time, it is no wonder that I am having another girl. But also so many differences. I have an iPhone note for this pregnancy, but there’s just something precious about writing things out that is good for the soul. I’ll start with a quick recap of the first half of this pregnancy, then go through questions/topics that I will use to update each week until I give birth.

My LMP (Last Menstrual Period) was November 27, 2019. I remember this because it was the day before our last trip to Disneyland. My BFP (Big Fat Positive) was on December 30, 2019 in the bathroom of Target lol I couldn’t wait. I surprised Kit with the news during our family photoshoot the next day and cried like a baby.

The moment I told him we were pregnant. Photography by Andrian Quito

If I had to describe my first trimester in one word, it would be miserable. Severe nausea and vomiting (hyperemesis) began on week 6, which was the exact same story with my first. I could write an entire blog post on this topic because it is the most significant symptom of both of my pregnancies and something that has shaken me to my core. I spent half of this time on vacation in Australia and unfortunately, I could not enjoy myself, or eat all the things that I wanted. It was truly debilitating and it put me in a depression. More on that later.

Due date: September 2, 2020

Trimester: 2nd

It’s a: GIRL!

My weight: I’m not sure, but last OB appointment on week 19 I was 135 lbs. I’m pretty sure I’ve gained a lot more because of quarantine and lack of exercise.

Baby is the size of a: Papaya

How am I feeling? Still nauseous unfortunately, but for the first week it is starting to taper off and be on the mild side. I am taking one dose of Vitamin B6 + Unisom every morning to help take the edge off. I still constantly have a feeling of nausea. Last time vomiting was May 2nd.

Baby’s movements: Constant! OB said that I should feel her moving consistently by week 22 and he was exactly right! Kit felt her kick for the first time week 23.

Energy level: I get tired so easily. On days that I work, I usually take a nap which says a lot because I don’t normally ever take naps.

Exercise: None whatsoever the entire pregnancy. Nausea is still too much.

Intimacy: Not. In. The. Mood.

Cravings: Sweets + carbs, always.

Baby’s name? We haven’t talked about it for weeks, and we are just so unsure. She most likely won’t be named until birth or right before.

How is Keluna doing? She is just now starting to show signs that she knows that we’re having a baby. The entire first half, she would not acknowledge or simply say “no” every time we would mention it. This week, she started saying “mommy’s baby” on her own. Today, we got a package of diapers from my cousin and she surprised us by saying, “for baby sister?” It was the sweetest thing.

Moms, I want to know, how were your pregnancies? How did your 2nd compare to the first?

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