I figured out that it was ambitious for me to say that I would do a weekly pregnancy update, and there was really not a significant change since my 24 weeks post. So here we are, 26 weeks pregnant with baby #2. Less than one week away from the THIRD TRIMESTER. WHAT??! And suddenly I’m starting to freak out a little! It still has not fully hit me that we will have two kids in just a short few weeks, but the thought is overwhelming. We always knew we wanted our kids to be less than 4 years apart, but man did that time go by so quickly. And though the days are long due to quarantine, this pregnancy has flown by.
Due date: September 2, 2020
Trimester: Last week of 2nd trimester!
It’s a: GIRL!
My weight: Oh my… I clocked in at 146 lbs at my last appointment at 25 weeks. I started this pregnancy at about 126 pounds so that doesn’t leave me much more to gain. Surprisingly, my doctor didn’t mention any concern about my weight. And he did say that my belly is measuring “perfectly.” Speaking of, I just remembered that I PASSED MY GESTATIONAL DIABETES TEST! I couldn’t even believe my eyes when I got the results. I was so sure that my number would be high, because all my body wants is carbs and sugar. And for how bad I was during birthday week, this is a total surprise. Thank you God!
Baby is the size of a: head of kale
How am I feeling? Oh boy… I am still nauseous. It is just a part of me. If you haven’t read my post on hyperemesis, click here.
Baby’s movements: Babygirl is pretty active in there! I feel her most right before bed and it is the sweetest moments of my day, especially because daddy can feel her and gets so excited. We really can’t believe she’s in there! (But we’re so glad she is lol)
Energy level: Can I say zero? So many naps… always exhausted. Not like me, and I’m longing to feel like myself again.
Exercise: It makes me so sad to say that I have not exercised so far this pregnancy. I am praying so hard to be hit with a surge of energy and decrease in nausea in the third trimester. Going back to weight gain, I am unhappy with how big my arms are getting and this hit me hard today as my husband took a photo of me and I hated what I saw. I bought some hand weights a few weeks ago, but have not put them to use yet. I want to start working my arms out for the rest of the pregnancy. I know I shouldn’t be hard on myself when it comes to my body, but my main concern is that I don’t want to go down an unhealthy path where I will continue to eat recklessly and uncontrollably while not exercising. I’ve had issues with my weight and not liking the way I look in clothes my entire life. I cannot stress how important self-care is to me, because I cannot take care of my family if I’m not taking care of myself as best as I can. So with all that said, I hope that my nausea will finally subside so that exercising can be a priority for me for the rest of my pregnancy. With hesitation, here is the photo:
Intimacy: Better this week
Cravings: A few days ago on Memorial Day, I really wanted an amazing burger! We got that at Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers, a local restaurant here in AZ and they did not disappoint!
Baby’s name? We have been talking about it more this week. We have a name that we love (actually more of a nickname), but are not completely set on the full first and middle name. We are back and forth on a few.
How is Keluna doing? She is so sweet, always kisses her baby sister (my belly) whenever we ask or even on her own terms. Or really anytime she sees my big belly, she says baby sister. I truly cannot wait for her to become a big sister. She will be amazing.
Till next time, in the THIRD TRIMESTER! 🙂