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This is us…

May 11, 2020

We are The Mag Fam. And we are so happy you are here.

To read our story, visit our Meet the Mag Fam page!

And without further ado, my name is Belle Maglunog, wife to Kristoffer, but I will refer to him with his family name, Kit (because if you’re reading this, welcome to the family!) I’m 30 years old, mama to Keluna (Luna for short) with one on the way and am so excited to embark on this new blogging journey. I decided to start this blog, not just for me but as a reflection of our whole family because THEY make me who I am and THEY are my reason for everything. They are my world. And there is nothing I love more than being a wife, mother, and homemaker.

Not to say that I don’t have any other passions in life, because I surely do. First of all, my faith. Kit and I met in church and it is the foundation of who we are as people and of our relationship. We would not be where we are today without our church.

Next, is food and supporting local businesses, especially restaurants. You can always find us at the openings of the newest local spots. With that, I love to shop small. For our wedding, the one thing I enjoyed the most during the planning process was curating the Welcome Bags for our out-of-town guests all with locally made products such as Arizona honey, handmade cards, soaps and candles. I do have a crazy shopping bug and I love Target and Nordstrom more than any other mom, but my first rule-of-thumb is always to support local and shop small as much as we can.

I’ve also very recently become obsessed with the minimalist lifestyle and strive hard to choose eco-friendly, and non-toxic products. We are just getting started in this endeavor and learning along the way, so we are far from being a toxin-free household, but are getting there! I’m also hoping to soon dive into the oiler world! Wellness is a top priority to me for my family.

If you made it this far, thank you so much for being here and I would love to hear what you want to see from us!

Can’t wait to connect, engage, learn, and grow with all of you! Until the next time…

Photography by Cactus and Vine